
I play guitar

At the heart of every musical endeavor I undertake lies a love of the guitar and the sonic world it presents. Ever since I picked up my dad’s old Epiphone Les Paul and learned my first three-chord song, I’ve been in love!

I first fell in love with music when I started listening to Queen in eighth grade and I heard the union of Freddie Mercury’s voice with Brian May’s orchestral guitar playing.

From there I went down the rabbit hole of classic rock and blues, which led me to jazz. Through it all, the guitar has been the one constant - the perfect friend with which I continuously explore the music and the musical ideas that I hold dear.

I teach guitar

As an educator, I’ve taught guitar for years. I discovered a deep passion for teaching in high school when I started giving lessons at my local music store. Ever since I’ve been committed to exploring the music that inspires and motivates my students and developing pedagogical concepts that can be applied to all ages and ability levels.

My approach to teaching is based primarily on the interests of each student. I believe firmly that there is no one method that can fit the needs of every student. Early lessons are spent honing in on the music that each student most identifies with, whether it be pop, rock, blues, jazz, bossa nova, etc.

I challenge each of my students to think about what it is that the essence of their favorite music communicates. What does the music that truly understands you have that other music does not? Once that question is answered, the learning process can take shape, aimed at finding that essence within each student, and bringing it out through their music.

I write music and play it with my favorite people

I’m involved in various musical projects in the city of Chicago. Right now my two primary projects are my Acoustic Guitar and French Horn duet Momo and Alvin, and my trio with Marion Mallard on Bass and Jayden Richardson on drums.

Momo and Alvin recently released an EP called ‘In the Meantime’ which features our arrangements of some of our favorite songs. It’s available on all streaming platforms! Right now we’re writing all of the music for our yet-to-be-recorded album of all original music.

I’m also in the process of writing and recording the material for my upcoming album which will feature my compositions for solo acoustic guitar as well as my trio featuring Marion and Jayden.

You can catch me playing my music all over the city of Chicago and beyond! Check out my events page if you want to come see me live!